Comparing Online Mattress Brands

Have you recently been bombarded with ads for mattress brands selling their beds online? One company may sponsor your favorite podcast while its competitor shows up on your social media feeds. Since in theory, you spend about one-third of your time in bed, it makes sense to invest in a high-quality mattress. The question is, which one should choose? This week’s Liv Avenida Blog post is dedicated to helping you find the mattress that’s right for you without even having to leave your house.


The Purple mattress is by far the most innovative option when it comes to materials used to help you have a comfortable night’s sleep. Purple is known for its top layer, which is made of purple elastic material; they claim it helps you stay cool without compensating the support you need and the pressure relief you deserve. The layers underneath are made of foam; the mattress seems to be slightly firmer than its competitors while remaining comfortable enough to sleep on.


When it comes to current popularity, the Casper mattress takes the cake. Their standard option has four layers of foam that vary in firmness in order to offer the optimal level of support and comfort. While the price of this mattress is average in comparison, Casper offers an essential model with one less layer of foam for an even better price. If you’re looking for a mattress that is well loved by many, Casper may just be your best bet!

Tuft and Needle

Tuft and Needle has two major selling points, in our opinion: It is the lowest price of the online mattress companies, yet it still has the most reviews on Amazon! While their standard mattress only has two layers of foam, they claim that their layers are higher quality than their competitors. As you can read on their website, “If the foam doesn’t improve the feel or airflow, you won’t find it in our mattress.”


Are you looking for an option that is a bit less “one size fits all?” If so, then Helix has something for you! The company sells nine different mattresses according to what you need, and six of those options come in an upgraded luxe version, as well. Before you scroll through each option, take the simple sleep quiz they offer to find which one is best for you in terms of your sleep position, your preferred comfort level, and your preferred amount of support.

Now that you know what sets each company apart, it’s time to make your decision! Nervous about ordering a mattress before trying it out? Don’t worry! Each of these companies has a 100-night sleep trial with free returns, no questions asked. On top of that, each company — with the exception of Tuft and Needle — offers financing options so you don’t have to break the bank to get the quality of sleep you deserve. Here’s to a better night’s rest every night in your Chandler, AZ apartment!