The Best Tips for Summer Safety in Arizona

Summer is here, which means it's time to have some fun in the sun. You may have planned numerous outdoor activities with your family, from local excursions with young children to trips to the coast, even if it is still March. There's a lot to look forward to in the coming warm summer months.

Amidst all the excitement, it's easy to lose sight of the fact that summer in Arizona also has an extra-large share of the scorching sun, and other hazards. Keep in mind your and your family's safety while planning outdoor activities. The following summer safety tips can assist you in avoiding accidents, sickness, and other concerns to allow you to fully enjoy the season.

Pool and Water Safety;

On a hot summer day, a dip in the water may be quite cooling. Unfortunately, thousands of individuals are injured or die while swimming or boating each year. Drowning is one of the leading causes of preventable deaths in the United States, according to the National Safety Council.

Children under the age of 15 are far more likely to be harmed than anybody else. When going to a pool, lake, or the coast, follow these guidelines:

  • At all times, keep an eye on the kids. If you have more than one adult with you, rotate who watches the youngsters so they are never without supervision.
  • Provide a safe life jacket for toddlers to wear when on and around the water. When on a boat, everyone should use life jackets no matter their age.
  • Watch out for anyone who jumps or dives into the water.
  • Always have a cellphone nearby in case of an emergency.
  • Consider signing children up for swimming lessons before taking them near large bodies of water.

Keep a Skincare Routine

Sunlight is beneficial to your health. It's important for the production of vitamin D and bone health. It may also help you relax and sleep better. However, it can have negative effects on your skin with excess exposure, including painful sunburn, dehydration of the skin, and an increased risk of skin cancer.

Here are a few suggestions to keep your family's skin health safe from the harsh Arizona summer sun:

  • Apply sunscreen at least 30 minutes before going outside and reapply it frequently. Choose a variety with SPF 15 or higher that protects against UVA and UVB rays. Make sure you apply it even on overcast days.
  • Keep toddlers under the age of one out of the sun whenever possible. Outfit them in light-colored, lightweight attire that covers as much skin as feasible when outdoors.
  • Take frequent breaks in shaded areas.
  • Be extra careful between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. when the sun is at it's apex.

Avoiding Heat-Related Issues

The summer heat in Arizona is notorious, with temperatures regularly exceeding 100°F (37°C), and going on for several days in a row. In the high heat, your chance of getting a heat-related sickness rises substantially, putting you at greater risk of visits to emergency rooms. The elderly, children and those with persistent health issues are the most vulnerable.

The following suggestions can assist you in avoiding heat exhaustion and heat stroke:

  • Keep an eye on local weather forecasts and warnings. They will let you know in advance about the dangers and take the necessary measures for their prevention.
  • Learn about the indicators of heat-related illnesses. A person suffering from heat exhaustion may be drenched, exhausted, and nauseated. Their skin could also feel clammy. Symptoms of heat stroke include disorientation, a high temperature, dry and hot skin, and even seizures.
  • Try to avoid going out between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. as much as possible.
  • Make sure you get enough water during the day, even if you don't feel thirsty. Encourage your kids to do so as well. Water can help you stay hydrated, but if you're going to be outside, consider sports drinks. Sports drinks will keep you hydrated and replace the minerals that you lose in the heat of the desert.
  • Never leave children or older adults in a parked car. Temperatures can rise really fast, exposing them to danger.

Take Measures to Prevent Bug Bites

Mosquitoes appear in Arizona during the monsoon season and near some of the state's many recreational lakes. Their stings are usually nothing more than a minor annoyance. However, some carry the West Nile virus, which, in rare cases, can induce encephalitis or meningitis. Mosquito bites that are scratched may result in irritation and infections.

Ticks can also cause issues. While many people believe they don't exist in hot climates, Arizona is home to about eight desert types. When ticks bite, they can transmit a number of dangerous diseases.

Here are a few quick tips to prevent bug bites:

  • Insect repellent should be applied to your clothing, arms, and legs. Don't apply the repellent to wounds, scratches, inflammations, or sunburned skin. Be cautious about where you apply the spray if you have small children so they don't ingest it. Remove any insect repellents as soon as you get back home.
  • Try to avoid being outside at sunrise and sunset. That's when bugs are most active.
  • Wear long sleeves, pants, and shoes or boots that are closed-toed when working in the yard or going on a trip to keep ticks at bay.
  • Before going indoors, check for ticks and remove any you find.

Picnic Safety

Is it summer if you haven't eaten a meal outside? Although dining al fresco may be delightful, food poisoning has a greater chance of occurring during the warm season. That’s because bacteria thrive around temperatures between 40°F(4°C) and 140°F(60°C) and have the potential to double in number in as little as 20 minutes.

Whether you're cooking in an outdoor kitchen to eat fresh or packing prepared foods to take with you, here are a few picnic safety suggestions to bear in mind:

  • Clean and sanitize the cooler, cooking utensils, and containers you'll use to transport and cook food to your picnic site.
  • Keep raw foods separate from ready-to-serve. Don't mix the utensils you use for either to prevent cross-contamination.
  • Keep cold foods cold (under 40°F(4°C)) and hot foods hot (above 140°F(60°C)) until it's time to serve. Get the leftovers in the fridge within two hours, or one hour if it’s above 90°F(32°C) outside. Throw away perishable foods left out too long.

Playground Safety

Playgrounds are fantastic places for young children to expend their excess energy. However, climbing, hanging, swinging, and sliding are not without risk. Children may trip, fall, scrape their knees, and sustain other injuries as a result of these activities.

Here are a few ways to keep your kids safe on the playgrounds:

  • Keep an eye on youngsters as they play. Keep a cautious eye on children as they walk or run near swings; make sure they stay far enough away to avoid being kicked accidentally.
  • It's best not to swing with small children in your lap.
  • Before your kid slides down, use your hand to make sure the slides aren't too hot. They can get to searing temperatures with the summer sun.
  • Look for exposed bolts and any potentially dangerous edges on equipment.
  • While playing, follow sun and heat safety suggestions to avoid sunburn and heat-related illnesses. Keep cool by taking breaks in the shade or going indoors for a rest. Bring lots of water so that everyone may stay hydrated.

Pet Safety

Dogs, like humans, enjoy spending time outdoors. Fresh air and sunshine are just as beneficial to them as they are to people. And just like their human counterparts, face a variety of health concerns including heat exhaustion, heat stroke, burns, and other ailments.

If you want your dog to join in the family's summer activities, keep the following safety tips in mind:

  • Bring a water dish with you and make sure your dog drinks enough.
  • Make sure your dog has access to a shaded location where it can get out of the sun's rays and heat.
  • It's important not to spend too much time outside, especially between the hours of 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. If that's possible, consider walking early in the morning or late at night.
  • Before allowing your dog to walk on the pavement, check its temperature with the back of your hand. Wait to go for a walk or put booties on their feet if necessary to protect their paw pads from the heat.
  • Be mindful of your dog’s breed. Short-nosed (brachycephalic) breeds are more susceptible to breathing issues and overheating than others are.
  • Never leave dogs unattended in a parked car.
  • Make sure your dog is up-to-date on their vaccines as well as their flea and tick preventatives.
  • If you take your dog swimming, don't leave them alone in the water. A canine life jacket with a good fit is also a smart idea.

Summer Fun at Liv MultiFamily

During the summer months in Arizona, there's a lot of enjoyment to be had. Liv wants to assist you in enjoying every season and every other season at one of our Phoenix-area multifamily communities. With playgrounds, saltwater swimming pools, walking paths, bark parks, and community gardens to enjoy outside your home, there's no shortage of things to do. You may cool off in our community center or relax in your clean, modern apartment. Our communities are also close to a variety of activities, including shopping, museums, and restaurants, making them ideal for relaxing. Are you ready to enjoy life fully this summer and beyond? Visit Liv now to discover the ideal community for you and your family.

Best Tips Summer Safety