
Theres nothing we love more than a good eat! Luckily for us, Chandler, AZ is a great place to grab a bite. Here are five local restaurants that we think our residents at Liv Avenida will love:…

June 20th marks the official start of summer! Chandler, AZ summers are famous for being hot. There are a lot of things you can do to fight the heat, of course: swimming in Liv Avenidas beautiful…

Saturday, June 18th is International Picnic Day! Putting together the perfect picnic isnt so much about having a fancy meal but about having a great time with friends. We want to make sure that your…

Tick another item off of your bucket list by riding in a hot air balloon! Hot Air Expeditions operate from The Deer Valley Airport in Phoenix, AZ, just forty-five minutes away from the Liv Avenida…

Throughout Arizona and the United States as a whole, libraries are an essential part of where we live. They provide free and convenient access to novels and knowledge, movies and music to borrow,…

Chandler's Celebration of Unity event is ongoing, and thus we bring you part two of our event details. A staple since 1995, the major event of the Celebration is about to take place! The celebration…

Every January, Chandler hosts the Celebration of Unity. This annual jamboree is a series of events to honor the city's diversity and heritage. With a focus on the ideals, life, and legacy of Dr…